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Planning Board Minutes 06/02/2011

June 2, 2011
Regular Meeting (3 attachments)

Members & Staff Present:                Diane Chauncey (Secretary)        David Dubois (Member)   
Jesse Lazar (Member)            Charles Levesque (Member)         Martha Pinello (Member) Andrew Robblee (Member)               John Robertson (Ex-Officio)    
Peter Hopkins (Bldg Inspector)
Members & Staff Absent:
Scott Burnside   (Member)
Stephen Schacht (Alternate)
Mike Tatro (Alternate)

Public Attendees:
James Hankard   

7:00 PM – Review Period
  • Review May 19, 2011 Minutes
  • Appoint alternates to sit for absent members
7:15 Public Hearing – Continued from April 21, 2011
  • Pursuant to IRC/IBC R108.2, changes to the Building Permit Application Fee Schedule are being proposed for adoption by the Planning Board / Board of Selectmen (not subject to vote of the legislative body) – Mr. Peter Hopkins (Building Inspector) will present
Mr. Hopkins stated that he and Mr. and Moore had reviewed the schedule and thought that the PB should review the schedule.

1. His suggestion was that the renewal fee should be greater because of the additional inspections and even in some cases Code renewal. The fee would change from $25.00 to

2. Inspection fee of $50.00 may be charged for each additional inspection, or re-inspection, deemed necessary.

3. Bldg permit not required for anything less than 200 square feet. A Zoning Permit required for all new free-standing structures less than 200 square feet.

Ms. Pinello moved to accept the changes. Mr. Levesque seconded. By a voice vote, the changes were unanimously accepted.

Business Meeting:
  • SEC update – Mr. Levesque, Ms. Pinello  The session was an all day session and only two witnesses were heard: Jack Kenworthy (Antrim Wind Energy, LLC) and Mike Genest(Selectman)
  • Request from Town Administrator Mr. Lazar read the memo (attached) from Mr. Stearns. Mr. Lazar then read the LGC letter (attached) that he contained a response to the question that he had asked concerning donations.
Mr. Levesque pointed out that Mr. Stearn’s memo is incorrect. RSA 673:16 allows the Planning board to accept gifts of cash up to $5000.00; then RSA 31:95-b, III requires a BOS hearing to accept $5000.00 or more

Mr. Levesque and Mr. Lazar volunteered to fund raise for the Planning Board legal expenses.

The Town Treasurer will set up a separate account for the Planning Board legal costs (Donations under $ 5000.00) Mr. Levesque will request a bill for works completed so far.
  • Review By-laws for changes – amendments and additions for PB approval – handout  in packet  not completed
  • Report from Ad Hoc committee – Ms. Pinello/Chair Robblee
After a long discussion, the schedule was finalized.(attached)

Mr. Lazar  moved to adopt the schedule for the Ad Hoc Committee Plan of Work. Mr. Levesque seconded. By a voice vote, the schedule was unanimously agreed upon.

Ms. Pinello said that the  Ad Hoc Committee has been working very hard, but the Planning Board is working in concert with the committee to develop the Utility Scale Wind Facility.

Town Planner position – to be discussed at Selectmen’s meeting on June 13, 2011
Mr. Levesque and Mr. Lazar agreed to attend the meeting, representing the Planning board. The Board reaffirmed by consensus its desire to fill the Town Planner position.

Review and approve/amend minutes of May 19, 2011  (handout with member potential changes) already done   After reviewing the minutes page by page, Ms. Pinello moved to accept the minutes as amended. Mr. Levesque seconded. By a voice vote, the minutes were approved.

  • NH DOT Driveway Permit for Map213 Lot 13 – for PB Review – info in packet
(FYI with handout) The Planning Board agreed to show this to Scott Lester because it has a safety concern.

Other Business:
        46 Main – Ken Raymond – wants to finish parking lot – what to do
        Minor Site Plan Review –
The PB determined that the Board of Selectmen should consult with Town counsel to determine the circumstances.

At 10:30 PM, Mr. Lazar moved to adjourn. Mr. Levesque seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board